Furling stays

Furling stays have take the place of multiple fixed furling systems. Most modern yachts have multiple headsail options in various size and wind ranges. These days only one of the stays is fixed all other stays can be made removable by using furling stays.

Furling stays are much lighter than the traditional furler + tube. It is possible to lower furling stays when not in use, reducing windage and weight aloft.

Modern sail constructions do not like off axis loading, caused by partially furled sailing. This reduces sail performance and shortens the lifespan of the sail.

Instead of reducing sail area by roler furling it is better to have two different dedicated sails for each application.

The use of furling stays makes changing of sails an easier solution.

Our range of end fittings can be made to fit almost all types and brands of furlers.

Depending on the sail shape and size the choice can be made to furl a sail bottom-up or top-down.
In general: Flatter sails can be furled bottom-up, deeper sails need to be furled top-down.

Depending on the usage of the stay, the sail type, sail shape and loads the overbraiding of the furling stays is customized.

As an extra option we can include the head pennant in the furling stay. This connect the head of the sail to the top end fitting. (acting as a halyard) This offers the use of a short hoist sail. The reasons for this can be:

  • Rating purposes
  • Lowering the aspect ratio of the sail (for easier trimming)
  • Use of a storm jib on a full length stay